Lithuanians – The Lithuanians do best with their monks. They also have good starting bonuses of their town centers supporting an extra five population and spawning three extra villagers at the beginning of the game at the cost of some wood and food. With this mash-up of benefits, they can do well defending themselves from attacks against their towns.

They also have technologies of Great Wall, which increases the hit points of walls and towers, and Rocketry which gives the Chu Ko Nu and siege Scorpions extra damage. The S Tier civilizations are the strongest civs in Age of Empire 2.Ĭhinese – The Chinese specialize in archers with their special unit being Chu Ko Nu which can fire multiple arrows at a time. Depending on how you like to play the game you will enjoy specific civilizations over the others but this is a tier list of strongest to weakest civilizations in the game. They feature different units, technologies, bonuses, strengths, weaknesses, and play styles. There are 37 individual civilizations in Age of Empires 2 in the most up-to-date version of the game in the year 2021. How many civilizations are there in Age of Empires 2? How many civilizations are there in Age of Empires 2?.Malians (Farimba is awesome, although no Hussars or Paladins). They would do better if they had camels or some bonus to their Paladins. Magyars - best scout rush, FU Hussars and Paladins, and the best cavalry civ for a trash war with the Magyar Huszar, as well as Cav Archers to back them up. The rest of their cavalry tech tree is decent, and the Arambai is OP as a support unit, but mostly their elephants puts them in the top 5 for me.

Best Paladins in the game, and arguably the best cavalry civ in DM.īurmese - arguably the best elephants of the battle elephant civs, and with the best economy among elephants civs to back it up. Definitely golden in the cavalry sphere (Berbers are just OP though).įranks- especially with the expansions and adding the Chivalry UT, the Franks have recovered from their power-crept status to once again have top-tier cavalry. Persians - The only civ to get all three major options: FU Hussars, Paladins, and Heavy Camels, and with an amazing booming economy to match, PLUS they have thr option to go War Elephants. They can do everything, and their mobile cavalry army is backed up well by Genitours/Camel Archers. This is especially helpful with rushing but is useful at all stages. Berbers - pound for pound, they aren't that special, but they get cheaper stables units across the board (sorry Magyars), including FU Hussar and Cavalier as well as Heavy Camels.