This is another one where the host's discretion is advised.

Literal Words: The host only accepts answers exactly as they appear on the page.If more than one player makes the same guess, we only award points to one of them, and we try to break 200 total, just like the show. After playing No Teams for the first three questions in each round, we play Pen and Paper for the Fast Money questions. Pen and Paper, Fast Money Only: This is how we play when we have less than five people, since someone has to be the host.Then you can see who got the highest score. (Treat the Fast Money questions like normal questions.) Each player takes one guess for each question, writing their answers on a piece of paper or in their phone. Pen and Paper: This is popular at my house.Everybody has more fun when all the answers are guessed, so when we play this, the host often ends up giving hints until all the answers are revealed. This can get loud with more than five people! Scoring is optional. No Teams: This variant is a free-for-all where everyone tries to guess.The Fast Money round is usually timed (60 seconds), and it really puts people on the spot! You can expect some funny answers.

If they both combine to get to 200 points, the team is declared the ultimate winner!.If the second player duplicates an answer, they must guess again. Then the second player returns and answers the questions in the same way.The host adds up the total for the answers that were correct. They only have one chance to answer each question. One player comes back in and is given the five Fast Money questions.After the first three rounds, the winning team chooses two players to leave the room.If they guess correctly, they get to steal all of the points from the correct answers given by the other team. After three strikes, the other team has one chance to guess a remaining answer.If a team guesses all the answers before earning three strikes, the total value of their answers is added to their score. An incorrect answer earns the team a strike. If an answer is too vague, the host will tell the player to be more specific. Whenever a given answer overlaps with a previous answer, the host will tell the player to guess again. Players from that team make guesses one at a time, in order.The team of the player whose answer was worth the most points gets to start the round. Those players will have one chance to answer the question. For each question, one player from each team will be chosen to hear the question first. Split the rest of the players into two teams.Choose one person to be the "host." The host is the only player who can see the questions and answers.